How To Optimize The Page Loading Time In Your Create-react-app Project?

Recently, I have been working on optimizing the page loading time of a complex low-code application. Previously, I have done some similar optimization work in other projects, but they are not react projects. As it’s based on Webpack, in order to reduce the page loading time, I have to try to optimize the webpack bundle size or the chunk size of the application, 继续阅读“How To Optimize The Page Loading Time In Your Create-react-app Project?”

再次遇见 React 找回初恋的感觉


脱离了 Vue,最近几个月一直接在使用新版 React 来搞低代码平台,那真是找到了初恋的感觉。由于代码平台的超高复杂度及 React 其完备的生态,使用 React 的技术栈应该算是最佳选择。上一次使用 React 已经是 4 年前的事了(转到我四年前写的一个 Repo《》),那其实只是我当前的无心插柳之作,居然吸到了不少粉。话说回来,新版的 React 变化确实有点大,但感觉有种万变不离其中的感觉 继续阅读“再次遇见 React 找回初恋的感觉”